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The Advanced Nanomanufacturing Cluster for Smart Sensors and Materials (CSSM)

Proposed Cluster Activities

1. Design, develop and manufacture product prototypes based on technologies using smart sensors and advanced materials.

2. Improve physical infrastructure, including purchase of instruments and equipment for materials characterization and testing of products

3. Design and Build 2nd generation NanoOPS that had the ability to print on any substrate.

4. Workforce development, such as seminars and workforce training programs to introduce and expose highly educated work force that are currently out of the job market.

5. Study advanced materials and product life cycle sustainability to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations.


The 2016 FLEXI Technology Leadership in Education Award was bestowed upon the National Science Foundation Center for High Rate Nanomanufacturing at Northeastern University (CHN). The CHN in Boston has educated more than 130 students, half at the Ph.D. level on the topics of directed assembly-based printing, synthesis of organic semiconductor, and polymers engineering, leading to the development of the world’s first printer for nanoscale electronics on flexible or rigid substrates.

2016 Best Academic R&D Award

The CHN has won the 2016 Best Academic R&D Award in Printed Electronics at the 2016 Printed Electronics Conference in Berlin.

The NSF Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) won this award for developing what they claim to be the world’s first nanoscale 3D printer for electronics and sensors, the Nanoscale Offset Printing System


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